

Bourdoucen, A., Nurgalieva, L., & Lindqvist, J. (2023). Privacy Is the Price: Player Views and Technical Evaluation of Data Practices in Online Games. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CHI PLAY), 1136-1178.

Nurgalieva, L., Frik, A., & Doherty, G.. (2023). “A Narrative Review of Factors Affecting the Implementation of Privacy and Security Practices in Software Development.” In ACM Computing Surveys.

Ma, R., Lassila, H., Nurgalieva, L., & Lindqvist, J., (2023). When Browsing Gets Cluttered: Exploring and Modeling Interactions of Browsing Clutter, Browsing Habits, and Coping. In CHI2023.


Ryan, S., Nurgalieva, L., & Doherty, G. (2022). Perceived Fairness Concerns Within Pandemic Response Technology. Interacting with Computers.

Nurgalieva, L., Ryan, S., Balaskas, A., Lindqvist, J., & Doherty, G. (2022). Public Views on Digital COVID-19 Certificates: a Mixed Methods User Study. In CHI2022.

Nurgalieva L., Doherty G.. (2022). Privacy and Security in Digital Therapeutics. In Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction. The State of the Science and Vision for the Future (1st ed., Chapter 15). Academic Press.


L. Nurgalieva, S. Ryan and G. Doherty, "Attitudes towards COVID-19 contact tracing apps: a cross-national survey," in IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136649.


L. Nurgalieva, D. O’Callaghan and G. Doherty, "Security and privacy of mHealth applications: a scoping review," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999934.

Nurgalieva, L., Cajander, Å., Moll, J., Åhlfeldt, R.-M., Huvila, I., & Marchese, M. (2020). ‘I do not share it with others. No, it’s for me, it’s my care’: On sharing of patient accessible electronic health recordsHealth Informatics Journal.


Nurgalieva, L., Baez, M., Adamo, G., Casati, F., & Marchese, M. (2019). “Designing systems to mediate communication between formal and informal caregivers in aged care”, in IEEE Access.

Frik, A., Nurgalieva, L., Bernd, J., Lee, J., Schaub, F., & Egelman, S. (2019). Privacy and Security Threat Models and Mitigation Strategies of Older Adults. In Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security ({SOUPS} 2019).

Nurgalieva, L. (2019). Technology Mediated Information Sharing Within the Triad of Aged Care (Doctoral dissertation, University of Trento).

Nurgalieva, L., Frik, A., Ceschel, F., Egelman, S., & Marchese, M. (2019, May). Information Design in An Aged Care Context: Views of Older Adults on Information Sharing in a Care Triad. In Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (pp. 101-110). ACM.

Nurgalieva, L., Laconich, J. J. J., Baez, M., Casati, F., & Marchese, M. (2019). A systematic literature review of research-derived touchscreen design guidelines for older adults. IEEE Access, 7, 22035-22058.


Nurgalieva, L., Baez, M., Fiore, F., Casati, F., & Marchese, M. (2018, September). Designing Healthcare Systems with an Emphasis on Relational Quality and Peace of Mind. In International Conference on Social Informatics (pp. 234-242). Springer, Cham.


Di Fiore, A., Ceschel, F., Nurgalieva, L., Marchese, M., & Casati, F. (2017, June). Design considerations to support nursing homes' communities. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies(pp. 64-67). ACM.

Nurgalieva, L., Laconich, J. J. J., Baez, M., Casati, F., & Marchese, M. (2017). Designing for older adults: review of touchscreen design guidelines. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.06317.