Posts tagged postdoc
How does one become a postdoc? Part 2: MSCA COFUND Postdoctoral Fellowship

I work as a postdoc, but how did I come to this? How does one become a postdoc? Here is the second part of the answer to this question; please, see the first part here: How does one become a postdoc? My story (part 1). Towards the end of the PhD, everyone starts thinking of “what’s next”. There are different paths one can take after adding a Dr to their title. In computer science, you are often asked whether you want to stay in academia or switch to industry…


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Next destination of a postdoc journey

Since March 2020, I started thinking of what happens after my current postdoc position at Trinity College Dublin. I want to share my search experience and reasoning to reveal what happens before social media messages, starting with "I am happy to announce that I join...". For me, it was a long and tiring process, complicated by the pandemic and almost an existential crisis and re-evaluation of life priorities that it caused.

[4 mins read]

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